It takes a steady piping technique to make Baking Among Us' Cluemate cookies look this good, but my favorite is the twist: one of the cookies in each batch is an "imposter" made with spicy habanero butter.
"The habanero cookies were not so spicy that they hurt my stomach or throat, but just enough to stay in my mouth for a few minutes," wrote the cookie's creator, who distributes on Twitch as heysiouxz.
"It took about two chili peppers to make 12 cookies."
Siouxz wrote in her Imgur gallery detailing her process, from making cookie cutters out of aluminum flashing to decorating the cookies. She also detailed how she flavors the fakes, which look just like any other cookie.
"The dough for the imposters was made by crushing the habaneros with a mortar and pestle into a pulp and straining it into butter," she wrote.
"The color and texture remained the same.
For Christmas, Suze sent seven cookies to friends.
It occurred to me that with these cookies I could play a variant of Werewolves and Hot Ones: have everyone pick one of the cookies, take a big bite, and guess who has the habanero cookie by their expressions.
Alternatively, we could just eat them. I don't know what they taste like, but now that this idea has popped into my head, I'm going to try the habanero butter cookie, "Among Us" theme or not. (Habanero butter cookies seem to be all the rage: