Just a month ago, Kelly Lunen posted on the Fallout 76 subreddit that she would like to have an in-game version of the wheelchair she uses as a mobility aid in real life as furniture in her base." I would be very happy to have a small piece of me in my work. And I think a lot of other people would enjoy it too (maybe use it to recreate a hospital or medical room)," she wrote.
Bethesda's community manager saw this request and passed it on, and as of the recent "Dawn of Steel" expansion update, it is now possible to build a wheelchair in a C.A.M.P. shelter along with existing furniture items like a bed or sofa. Ryunen posted on Twitter that she built a wheelchair between two flamingos in a motel-themed base.
When she first posted this request on Reddit, Leunen had to update those who argued that the wheelchair was not appropriate for their very realistic post-nuclear war fantasy world. Leunen also pointed out that "Fallout" already has disabled characters like Proctor Ingram of the Brotherhood of Steel. [Wheelchairs are an addition to basebuilding in "Fallout 76," and players have used these basebuildings to create everything from cozy houses to diabolical math traps to share with other players. As James Davenport writes, "Fallout 76" didn't really click for him until he got hooked on building C.A.M.P. and started treating it like a Zen garden sandbox, basically like "Animal Crossing" with guns.