Twitch has had a complicated relationship with adult content in recent months, with the creation of "hot tub meta" in 2021, where streamers would gain viewers by streaming in hot tubs. Twitch addressed the issue after a brief controversy in which one hot-tab distributor was demined without warning, even though he was playing the game in accordance with the platform's laws at the time.
And late last year, Twitch decided to be a bit more lax about the whole thing by allowing "artistic nudity" on its platform. This lasted for 48 hours before Twitch actually decided, no, wait, never mind, this is a bad move, and shut everything down.
The arms race between the sexy entrepreneur and Twitch returned with a vengeance in 2024. First, Twitch had to intervene and add implied nudity to the sexy ban list because streamers were bending the rules with black bars that gave the impression of nudity.
"While most streamers label this content appropriately with a sexual theme, with clothing behind the object or outside the camera frame, for many users, thumbnails of this content can be a distraction from their Twitch experience." Well, sure. But if you have the sexual theme label enabled, then you must be willing to have your Twitch experience interfered with by sexual themes. Isn't that the whole point of turning on Twitch?
Following that, in what can only be described as a divine act of creative inspiration, streamer Morgpie (thanks, Kotaku) has upped her game. Her ass is a green screen. Mankind and machines are getting closer and closer, like Icarus soaring closer to the sun wearing wings of wax.
There is also a video of her reacting to popular YouTuber MoistCr1TiKaL on the stream.
This prompted an avalanche of (mostly VTubers) imitating this new big dumpling - sorry, big brain - strat, with one quoted tweet of an anime fox girl playing through a literal boob window, captioned: "This Save Overwatch. Finally, I was starting to worry about that game.
Interestingly, Morgpie was one of the key soldiers in the trenches of the censorship bar in January. Personally, I find this whole thing sickening. I think grown adults should be able to make a living as they wish within the confines of the law, and there is obviously an audience for that. I am not a purist. But I am a PC gamer. And there are a couple of caveats.
First, the aspect ratio is terrible. Not only does the mogpy viewer not see half of the screen, but several important UI elements are blocked by the framing used. The FOV, which is ideal for third-person shooters, is completely useless, completely destroying the sense of situational awareness that is essential to the gameplay loop at the heart of a good battle royale. Second, the appearance of a giant animated girl doing a sexy dance completely obliterates about 30% of the screen real estate that would otherwise just suffer.
However, Morgpai herself does not suffer from this. Although the video clearly shows that she is using a standard monitor, I still think she is setting a bad example for the next generation: don't let gamers believe that the most efficient way to play a game is to green-screen their own asses.
The best body part for playing video games would be a flattering, less sexy face-on-camera belly, or legs. Ideally, green spandex would be used so that wrinkles are not noticeable. Still, all the necessary UI elements would be visible, and with the right setup, it could be made ultra-wide. It could be done better.