'Dwarf Fortress' Author Blasts Executives Behind Brutal Industry Layoffs: 'I Think They're Terrible... They're greedy and rapacious.

'Dwarf Fortress' Author Blasts Executives Behind Brutal Industry Layoffs: 'I Think They're Terrible... They're greedy and rapacious.

Don't worry that Tarn Adams' billionaire status will soon turn him into a corporate employee. At this year's GDC, the makers of Dwarf Fortress swung against the cruel tide of layoffs, cancellations, and general downsizing throughout the gaming industry, declaring that the executives responsible should "all go fuck themselves." For those who need more reasons to like Dwarf Fortress.

"I wonder what sales of Dwarf Fortress will be like three or four years from now," pondered Adams in a chat with PCG. Given the possibility of making such difficult decisions sometime in the future, Tarn wondered if this experience would "deepen my empathy for the people I'm firing."

"No, I don't think so. I think they are all horrible people, bad people."

This alone is a pretty definitive statement, but Adams continued: "I don't think these decisions are realistic. They sound like they are driven by greedy, rapacious people who want to make something like venture capital work."

"I don't think that's a good thing.

"There's a rotten smell at the top of things where people are fired because of funding structures or bad incentives or stupidity," Adams said, adding, "You shouldn't fire people because it will destroy the company, but maybe it will help someone's bottom line somewhere or it will be the right It would be putting the right air in the golden parachute," he said, accusing the executive of firing him.

So, while it is safe to position Adams and Dwarf Fortress in the "pro-developer/anti-layoff" column of our spreadsheet, should we be concerned that Adams thinks he may have to make tough choices in the years ahead?

But for now, Tarn and Zach Adams say they are moving full speed ahead with DF development and the Adventure Mode update that will be implemented this April." (We) are still excited about what is basically possible and do not feel ourselves bound by such things ... We want to keep shining the light forward and hopefully continue to inspire people.
