All save files are completely intact": Eric Barone confirms that Stardew Valley's 1.6 update does not delete progress

All save files are completely intact": Eric Barone confirms that Stardew Valley's 1.6 update does not delete progress

The 1.6 update for "Stardew Valley" is just a few weeks away. The update will add a variety of things to different aspects of the game, including festivals, dialogues, and even new farm types. But with time ticking away until March 19, some players are worried about what will happen to their save files.

Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone, creator of "Stardew Valley," tweeted to fans asking about the best way to experience 1.6, saying that they can continue with their old save files and see most of the new content.

The mere suggestion of starting a new save file may cause some to inquire whether they should discard all their previous saves, and others to worry that they will have to start again with 1.6 and delete their previous files. I would definitely start a new save file. I will definitely be starting a new save file, but I can understand why some people might not want to say goodbye to hundreds of hours of hard work, especially since 1.6 has so much to offer.

Fortunately, this is nothing to worry about. Earlier today, Barone tweeted, "Update does not erase anything, all save files are completely intact."

"If I had intended to tweet to everyone, I would not have started my tweet with 'no.' Unfortunately, this comes across as a bit condescending, which was not my intention at all," Baron admitted in his comments. 'Well, I can't delete it now.'

Even though I am ready to start over from scratch with my Stardew Valley farm, I am happy that the other farm I have had since day one will not be affected. It is absolutely necessary for me to go check on the pigs and the all-important fish pond.

So the choice is yours. If you want to resume your journey with a new save and discover all that 1.6 has to offer, so be it.
