Stardew Valley 1.6 Adds Creepy Punishment for Sequence Violators: Mystery Man Bumped Off Mr. Chi

Stardew Valley 1.6 Adds Creepy Punishment for Sequence Violators: Mystery Man Bumped Off Mr. Chi

The 1.6 update for "Stardew Valley" has been released, adding a large number of new elements for players to discover. Even though the update has been live for less than 24 hours, some have already found some slightly creepy interactions with the strange Mr. Chi.

Reaching the summit should be a momentous occasion, as it will only be reached later in Stardew Valley, and the path will be paved once perfection is reached (i.e., everything is cleared). However, if you deploy a small scything operation around the bottom of the road by Robin and Demetrius' house, you could break into the edge of the map, go through the forest, and reach the summit in no time at all.

This tactic is not new, players found workarounds years ago, but until 1.6, what happened to players who were able to reach the summit was, well, nothing. You get a nice view and you might even see the occasional bird pass by. Instead of patching this glitch, Eric Barone seems to have added a creepy fourth wall breakdown.

The video shows what happens to players who cut corners, cheat the system, or try to skip sections in order to take advantage of the game. At the summit, instead of a view like before, this time you are greeted by a hellish dark red void and random items floating in the sky. But floating food isn't the only thing you'll find at the summit. Mr. Chi is waiting for you on a wooden bench.

This strange character, who already creeped me out before this bizarre encounter, just stands there for a few minutes, reprimanding you for your stupid choice: "How can I cheat the system for my own good?" you thought. In layman's terms, hey, come on, let me hear how you really feel.

The scene ends with Mister Qi calling you "despicable" and supposedly running up to you first and smacking you on the head. But I am not sure what happened. All I know is that someone found him battered and unconscious, and he woke up in Harvey's clinic. He had to have emergency surgery and was charged 500 gold in the end. I guess the moral of the story is: don't cheat or else a strange blue guy will beat you up and you will lose a week's worth of your farming budget.
