Roku has applied for a patent that would allow TVs to detect pauses and play "relevant ads". No, thanks.

Roku has applied for a patent that would allow TVs to detect pauses and play "relevant ads". No, thanks.

Advertising seems to be everywhere. Perhaps it is a necessary evil. Our free time is gradually monetized to earn good money, pounds and Australian dollars, and companies, shockingly, expect to earn some cash from users. But if you thought you were safe from blatant advertising while watching ad-free streaming services or playing games, Roku has different ideas. The company has applied for a patent that allows the TV to detect when you pause while using an HDMI-connected device and display a nice targeted ad.

The patent describes several different possibilities for detecting "pause events" via HDMI-connected devices, including using an on-board processor to identify silent audio signals in combination with identical video frames that suggest the user is currently idle Methods are detailed (via Low Pass). Regardless of how the pause or idle state is detected, multiple methods suggest that ads may be selected based on the content of the previous frame, thereby queuing ads directly related to the content the user was previously watching.

Roku has already spent considerable time and effort attempting to monetize idle time while using its streaming platform, introducing the surprisingly popular Roku City screen saver and advertising on various rolling landscapes

However, the company has also sold sponsorships to major brands for the purpose of advertising on various rolling landscapes.

However, it is unlikely that users will react favorably to the idea that television can interrupt media content outside of Roku's own streaming reach, even if it is on pause.

Nothing is more frustrating than pausing a console game, getting up to make a cup of tea (I am British, after all), and returning to find an ad that mistakenly thinks I want a cowboy hat because I am playing Red Dead Redemption 2! There is nothing like that. No, thank you, please try again, I'll wait."

Of course, this is just a patent application, and companies regularly try to stay ahead of the game by coming up with all sorts of ideas that would never make it onto consumer devices. But ad revenue is big money, and the company is not alone in thinking of new ways to jump on as many ad revenue opportunities as possible.

From banks selling ad space in their apps to streaming services like Amazon Prime adjusting their subscription tiers to show more ad content, to more users, unless they cough up ad Maximizing revenue appears to be a primary concern for all Internet-based businesses.

Nevertheless, inserting advertising during idle time, even when TV viewers are simply using the HDMI jack to use another device, seems like a step too far.

Let's hope this patent is another one that will never see the light of day on our home devices. Of course, everyone has to profit somehow, but this method in particular seems like an intrusion level just slightly beyond the blue ceiling.

Leave my pause time alone, Roku; I don't want to spend time thinking about whether I really need a new hat.
