We screwed up!" : Apex Legends update broke the game, costing hundreds of account levels and battle pass progress, but now there's a fix!

We screwed up!" : Apex Legends update broke the game, costing hundreds of account levels and battle pass progress, but now there's a fix!

Apex Legends is going through a bit of a rough patch right now, with account resets being reported after the latest update. The issue has now been fixed, but there are still some issues; Respawn is telling people to "sit tight" and wait for further updates.

It all started earlier today when Respawn logged all reports: "We have rolled out an update to address this issue," Respawn's Twitter account said, "Currently logged in accounts will not lose progress or content. No progress or content is lost for currently logged in accounts. Players who lost progress or content after the update this morning, please be patient. We are working on additional fixes to restore you to your pre-update state and will let you know when they are ready."

While it may have been safe for players who entered Apex Legends after the bug was discovered, those who logged in shortly after the update saw their accounts get royally screwed up. One player, Bangaloaf, uploaded a screenshot to the Apex Legends subreddit showing that all statistics had been wiped. Another player explained in the comments that his account had lost about 100 levels or several seasons worth of content.

"My game was working when the split was reset. My account was down to level 1, so I restarted it thinking it was a small bug," explained EducationalWorld2149. 'When I opened the game, I got a cross-progression prompt and found that my level had dropped over 100.' [To fix this mess, Respawn decided to take the Apex Legends servers offline: "We screwed up! To resolve this mess, Respawn has decided to take the Apex Legends servers offline. The servers are now back up and running, so you can continue playing without worrying about losing your hard-earned levels.

However, Respawn is still figuring out how to restore all the progress players have made over the past day or so, which will likely be the next task to check off the list now that the servers are back up. This fix has also postponed the new ranking for now. All we know for now is that it will need to be rolled out at a later date, according to Respawn.
