Ultimate Bloatware Removal Tool Now Works on Any Version of Windows 11

Ultimate Bloatware Removal Tool Now Works on Any Version of Windows 11

Windows 11 is not a bad operating system for the most part, although its adoption rate is slower than Microsoft would like. Its system requirements mean that it requires a relatively robust system to run, and comes with more than its fair share of crappy bloatware.

Thanks to the release of a new version of Tiny11 builder, you can create bloated Windows 11 images from any Windows 11 release.

Tiny11 Builder is a free tool created by NTDEV. It has existed for some time, but was limited to specific Windows builds. The new version (discovered by Neowin) can be used with any version of Windows 11 and with any language or architecture. this ability to control Windows is the result of PowerShell's improved capabilities. to Microsoft. Microsoft!

Tiny11 is available from the NTDEV GitHub page. To run it, PowerShell must be set to unrestricted using the Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted command. Once that is done, just follow the instructions provided.

Tiny11 will remove the following apps: Clipchamp, News, Weather, Xbox (but the Xbox Identity provider remains, so it should reinstall without problems), GetHelp, GetStarted, Office Hub, Solitaire, PeopleApp, PowerAutomate, ToDo, Alarms, Mail and Calendar, Feedback Hub, Maps, Sound Recorder, Your Phone, Media Player, QuickAssist, Internet Explorer , Tablet PC Math, Edge, and OneDrive.

For better or worse, I use Google for browsing, email, and work tasks. The exception is Edge, which I usually download or use as a backup browser in case a page glitches in Chrome, which is easily available from the Microsoft Store.

In addition to removing these apps, the tool also bypasses the need to create or use a Microsoft account; you can already skip that with tools like Rufus, but it's nice that Tiny11 removes that too.

I tried the new Tiny11 builder using an old Windows 11 iso I had on my work PC. After running the script, the resulting iso file was 1 gigabyte smaller than the original.

I have an old Dell XPS laptop that does not meet the Windows 11 system requirements, and using the Tiny11 iso is going to free me from the TPM requirements and give it new life. And it should use less RAM.
