It was the white weenies who played the first deck I specialized in, old Magic: The Gathering deckbuilder Shandalar. Personally there was nothing much, but a whole Dilvia flood of cheap white creatures coupled with things that drown you like everyone Noah wasn't involved with. It is one of the oldest archetypes of magic and remains competitive even today. Ask me about my deck packed with recruiting officers and brutal catharsis. It's pretty annoying!
Magic's next extension is Modern Horizons 3, which, as its name suggests, will focus on reprinting the card to make it into a modern format. Legacy is a format where most of your unbalanced old cards can come out and play, and if the standard is a rotating format where only cards from the last couple of years are valid, Hyundai splits the difference and allows cards from the eighth edition of 2003 onwards. It's not as wild and woolly as Legacy, but full of powerful cards — with fewer turn-one game winning combos, making it popular with Magic's more competitive players.
One of the cards being reprinted in Modern Horizons 3 is Recruiter Of The Guard (with new art by Eric Wilkerson), which was originally released as part of Conspiracy: Set in 2016, she adds a nice touch to a white weenie deck, or actually any deck you might want to tutor with a cheap creature. It's a small addition.
(Fun Facts! The tutor, which is what the card game gronks calls the ability to search your deck for specific cards you get, comes from the ancient magic card devil tutor. As someone who learned the concept from Gwent, it was a shock when I realized that this was another bit of CCG slang that came from Grandaddy Magic.1
The Guard recruiter is a classic tutor. She allows you to pull in creatures with 2 or less toughness, like Spellseeker, for example. Spellseeker also happens to be a tutor, only she can pull instant or sorcery cards that cost you 2 mana or less. Just like the Devil's tutor, who is also a tutor of course, there is no limit to the cards that can be drawn from your deck into your hands. We can keep this going all day, and if someone allows me, I will.
Other shenanigans are also fun options, such as using a guard recruiter to draw a palace guard and send someone to jail. Basically, it's a classic card that looks humble but is actually a great addition to the various decks as well as the nonsense I enjoy running. Here we hope that modern Horizon 3 contains more like it.
Modern Horizons 3 will be available from 6/14. Prerelease events start from 6/7 and can be found at your local WPN store.