Fallout is coming to Fortnite

Fallout is coming to Fortnite

The war will never change, but Fortnite will certainly change, and soon it will change again: The Fortnite Twitter account today announced that Bethesda's famous RPG series Fallout will be released in the game

The image of the Brotherhood of Steel Power Armor helmets is unmistakable, but the emoji in the body of the tweet will not change. Is a little more subtle, but still obviously wink, thumb-up vault Boy's famous image play.

There is no indication about the type of fallout included in the crossover, but there is a lot to choose from: Power Armor, the map feature after the famous blue and yellow Vault nuclei also looks like a good bet. And maybe some ink spots?

It's been almost 10 years since the last mainline fallout game, Fallout 4, but the series has been higher in recent weeks thanks to Amazon's hit series. Given that, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see some show-specific items - the Walton Goggins Ghoul Skin is definitely the game I wear, I mean. As IGN points out, according to Fortnite's in-game news feed, Chapter 5 Season 3 is scheduled for a live stream of "Courtesy of The Brotherhood of Steel" on 5/24.
