"What if we could build Willy Wonka's chocolate factory?""It's a question that I'm surprised video games haven't answered yet. It's a natural next step for the genre of factory construction, and taking the basis of the game as satisfying, the theme
Chocolate Factory developed by Tbjbu2 (I think it was named by the cat walking the developer's keyboard) does exactly this. But it also asks something much less obvious, some may say an unnecessary question, namely, "What if Willy Wonka had a huge gun?"'.
Watch the Announcement trailer (not on YouTube for some reason, but you can see it on the game's Steam page) Chocolate Factory is clearly derived from something satisfying. It has a similar visual style, building system, and a blend of construction and survival into Coffee Stain's massively successful game. The main difference is that it is set in fantastic Candy Land and has a large number of biomes with different snack themes. There are piles of chocolate, candy canes, swirling lollipops that grow like trees, and, of course, hostile gingerbread men that you have to shoot until you die.
Wait, what was the last one?
Sickly sweet violence occurs about 50 seconds after the trailer. What makes it especially interesting is that our nameless hero does not just pop his biscuit enemies with pistols and other small firearms. No, the Gingerbread Man is blown up with a giant blue boom stick that appears to fire a cannonball-sized joe breaker. The player character then brutally beats another Gingerbread Man with a rock stick to death. The Chocolate Factory trailer isn't much known about it, but it's a change of tone that's somewhat reminiscent of Palworld earlier this year.
Beyond its confectionary combat, the chocolate factory looks like a robust enough factory builder. The full game is out on 6 May, but a free "prologue" demo arrives in over 1 week and can be found here. It should also be noted that this is not the only chocolate factory game currently under development. Let's also introduce the Chocolate Factory Simulator. Launched scheduled for May, this game has a more steampunk vibe, a friendly robot companion called Nougat, and as far as I know, there is no Gingerbread murder at all.