OpenAI is a company built on "scraping" content without permission and claims copyright against subreddit using its logo

OpenAI is a company built on "scraping" content without permission and claims copyright against subreddit using its logo

OpenAI is a company built on the work of others. Techbros might welcome CEO Sam Altman as some kind of digital savior, but apologizing to Monty Python, really, he's a very naughty boy.I understand that if OpenAI up as much content as possible to train the model, it can only close the stable door long after the horse is bolted. OpenAI trains ChatGPT to copyrighted content by design and dares society to try and stop it (note on it, good luck to the New York Times in its lawsuit). 

One of the advantages of all the nice venture capital flowing is that OpenAI can afford all the lawyers it wants to fight these battles, but there may have been something of a lull these days because OpenAI issued a "copyright complaint" against the r/ChatGPT subreddit about the use of the OpenAI logo. It is not.

After the news became subreddit (the first to see 404Media), screenshots received this message from Reddit:

"こんにちは少いただきましたが著作権者から苦情 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. The "Subreddit profile picture" utilizes copyrighted content that can lead to confusion among users.By 5/16, deal with unauthorized copyrighted elements.

The mods were asked to remove the OpenAI logo and reply confirming that they did so.

"It seems unwise for OpenAI to initiate enforcement of copyright claims," observes not_wyoming, a user of r/ChatGPT. "It's ironic for a company that has scraped the entire Internet," Elsa_Versailles adds. Nelculiungran said, "This is so hypocritical and painful..."I agree, given that they've trained using all of their Reddit posts," Kiwizoo said."

The last comment points to Reddit's recent agreement to sell user data to train AI, which is currently the subject of an FTC investigation. The most interesting reaction to the copyright claim is from users who were prompted to urge chatgpt to generate an OpenAI logo that does not infringe the logo.

The logo was removed from r/ChatGPT, but OpenAI then succumbed to that stance because it realized that chasing its own enthusiasts because of copyright was not a great look. The Subreddit is already in the process of a competition to create a new logo, but the winner will be chosen next week.

In what does OpenAI think about this nasty copyright malarkey' in a submission to the UK House of Commons earlier this year, the company put forward this position: "Copyright today is the best way to protect the rights of the block.", And it is impossible to train today's major AI models without the use of government documents — copyrighted materials."Limiting training data to books and drawings in the public domain will not generate AI models that meet the needs of today's citizens," he added.

The company claims to "respect the choice of creators and content owners on AI" in its opt-out model, a tool that identifies copyrighted material in essence, it is bringing the problem back to the people and companies scraping their work: OpenAI says it is their responsibility to stop and opt out.

All of that, even in a slightly dystopian way, sees OpenAI get prissy about a bunch of ChatGPT fans using the company logo on a subreddit, one rule for AI, in other words, another rule for you.
