Factorio expansion has a gooey swamp planet complete with organic products that can ruin

Factorio expansion has a gooey swamp planet complete with organic products that can ruin

Factorio developer Wube has announced yet another planet for the upcoming space age expansion, the deeply wet, life-rich world of Gleba. It's basically an entire planet, ankle-deep swamps and swamps inhabited by some really weird alien ecosystems and creatures. With fauna and flora inspired by fungi and deep-sea environments, like me, it looks like constant decay, but if you actually enjoy a life-rich total physical environment, Greba is great.

This new world also includes the first for the main line Factorio: agriculture, a kind. Players can create automatic planters to grow and harvest trees that can be used to grow fruit — fruits for industrial applications, of course. The fruit of one tree can be used for carbon fiber, and another tree can be used for a new mysterious material known only as "Bioflux"."

The new building that comes with Gleba will be a Biochamber, a bioreactor that processes Gleba's materials into useful products, but it has living ingredients. The bioreactor will not be used for recipes from the old game world of Novis, but "will basically replace the oil treatment of [Gleba].""

Well, before you get too excited about the goopy new world, there's a big caveat to Gleba's product: corruption. Most, if not all, of these biological products made with greva will be a countdown to rotting. That corruption means that factories need to focus on how quickly they can handle it and prioritize throughput over output.Overproduction means that it can end up in a lot of rotten mess to filter the conveyor belt.

You can read everything so far about Greva in the Greva and Agricultural Booty post on the Factorio blog.

Ahead of the swampy Greba, we have seen the magma Sea of Vulcanus and the storm-struck ruins of Fulgola. Factorio2.0 has everything incredible, like the glory of stacking objects on elevated trains and conveyor belts.

Factorio is one of those games where if you look away for a second, someone is going to do something incredible with it. This was highly highlighted earlier this year when players networked their systems to create a record-breaking "factory of God" that produces 1 million science per minute.
