Don't wait to play the demo while you wait, a game that has a lot to do while you wait

Don't wait to play the demo while you wait, a game that has a lot to do while you wait

According to a website fact I've never heard of, the average person spends about 5 years of their life waiting in line. five years! Other sites I've never visited before say it's more like 3 years, or six months, or two weeks. The important thing is not to try to confirm the facts, because it will take forever and there is no reliable answer anywhere. 

The real point is: we spend an unverifiable amount of time just waiting for everything. We wait in line at the store or wait for a ride at the bus stop. We jiao our fingers when we fidget with anger while the doctor's office puts us on hold and the person in front of us takes too long at the ATM We are waiting for the game to be downloaded. I don't know that it adds up to 5 years in a lifetime, but you can bet that it's a lot.

While Waiting is a game to entertain yourself while waiting for others, and it's pretty easy to play to entertain yourself while waiting for others.

I jumped in the other day while waiting for the meeting to end (sorry, PC gamer colleagues). In the first scene, my character was waiting for the bus. I was not alone: there was a man handing out leaflets, there were other passengers waiting, a little dog was sitting on a bench, and it gave me some clues on how to pass the time while waiting, but it came out quickly and did not tell me: "The most wealth on the bus

I wandered a little. I love dogs. I took the flyer, threw it away, and took a few more. I pick things up and put them down. I pat the dog again. I was certainly the richest person in it when the bus finally arrived because I finally noticed some coins on the ground, and followed them off the screen to find a huge bag of money. The rest of the badges are now underappreciated, but those will be my goal for me to play next time.

In the next scene, I was waiting for the rain to stop while hanging out in a cafe that had an even more vague goal to achieve, and on another level I was stuck in the back seat of the car itself was stuck in traffic. How should I pass the time? I saw a duck out the window. It's time to kill the activity 'Hi, open the door car...

Fill this game of filler even in game time. At some level, I'm literally playing a game about playing the game because I have to find something to distract while waiting for the character's action points to be replenished in the mobile game. (You can even turn off the game in the game and wipe the dirt off the screen with your finger, which is a great way to kill even more time.)

There is another level I am waiting for three large files to download. You can pause two and one go at three times the speed, as I do in real life all the time, while waiting for things to download...It really helps the total amount of time it takes or I'm still not sure "I'm tricking myself."

And while playing while waiting, you can always choose not to do anything. Yes, there are also badges that you can earn by just waiting for the bus to come, waiting for the rain to stop, or downloading files. Doing nothing is still doing something, right?

You can now download the demo for while waiting on Steam. Hopefully, the wait will not be too long.
