Panic, the maker of the handheld console Playdate, recently got out of a random restaurant and there are also strange story pictures about a product worth about strange400,000 that was (mostly) completely abandoned still in the box.
The company took to Twitter to explain everything: "You were mistakenly delivered by FedEx to a construction site near our warehouse worth 400k worth of Playdates and someone just."..Seriously stole them."But for some reason, the culprits decided that this haul was not desirable enough or too large of a heist, and a random rest close to the company's fulfillment warehouse
Playdate began life as a crowdfunding console for a niche audience, but after its release last year more than 50,000 units were sold." After Kana's first success, Panic raised the price of Playdates toき199 (via The Verge). That price point makes it a valuable piece of technology, but it's still a professional piece of hardware that only sells to a very specific audience.
Unfortunately not all were returned. "Who said the box was not opened and the Playdate system was not lost or sold?Playdate responded to 1 comment. It also seems likely that at least some consoles were fenced off or that the thieves liked the idea of Crank.
It's a shame that some playdates have been caught up in a criminal network, but most of the inventory seems to be intact and saleable. Playdate confirmed that the inventory has not yet been written off and said, "We have never filed an insurance claim. (We are not sure whether our insurance will cover this.
But that's all we know so far. Playdate didn't check all the details and left a lot of questions. The company seems to have kept some facts to itself, perhaps for a big release in the upcoming episode of its own podcast.