729 days since Silk Song's last appearance, Hollow Knight fans are in trouble.

729 days since Silk Song's last appearance, Hollow Knight fans are in trouble.

Every year, as summer approaches, I worry. I know that Hollow Knight fans around the world are staring out across the cold, merciless sea, daring to hope for signs of a reunion with the bugs. Every year I see that hope shattered. And every year I wonder how many times their hearts will be broken as they watch those poor souls leave, murmuring that Silkson might be on Nintendo Direct... The big showcase weekend of 2024 is over, and once again Hollow Knight made an appearance: Silkson He did not. The last time we saw Silkson was at the Xbox & Bethesda showcase in 2022. Then a year passed. And another year has passed. Depending on which timescale you measure human suffering, 23 months, 729 days, or 17,486 hours have passed. Not another crumb of bread for the hungry silkson seekers; already in 2022, waiting for a silkson had become something between a meme and a shishpos. At the time, our own Wes Fenlon likened the purgatory of clinging to the Silkson hype to the long, painful silence waiting for Elden Ring, which, like Silkson, was released in 2019. Then again, given that the Elden Ring DLC followed its own arc of announcement and long silence, while Silkson's DLC remained sealed, one can't help but wonder if Wes was burning enough wood after writing it. I haven't played Hollow Knight, but it's enough to get me depressed. Imagine how the fans feel! As you can see from Twitter, they are openly sad:

Meanwhile, in the Silksong subreddit, things are a bit more dire, with users desperate to look for omens about Silksong's potential, and someone has been trying to get Team Cherry's Kickstarter account, apparently tracking how often they log in:

While the fan base is resorting to ever more esoteric fortunes and prophecies, it should be noted that Team Cherry has not spent the last two years in complete silence: in May of 2023, Silksong's PR campaign manager, Matthew Griffin, admitted that Silksong had strayed from the release date Microsoft had noted in its 2022 showcase.

"We had planned to release it in the first half of 2023, but development is still ongoing," Griffin said. 'We're excited about how the game is shaping up and it's getting pretty big, so we want to take the time to make the game as good as we can. Griffin didn't say much about "Silksong in 2024," but he did tweet that Silksong's Microsoft Store page went live in April. In other words, this is progress! Hopefully, there will be more Silksong news to follow before the end of the year. Until then, visit your local Hollow Knight fan. Take them for a walk. The fresh air is wonderful.
