Behold the saxophone-a-boom. This flashy beauty is a toy instrument similar to the saxophone, first released in 1998, with 8 buttons and speakers, each of which triggers a synthesized music loop. It wasn't a special hit at the time, but at some point it went into the hands of Jack Black and Tenacious D.
Tenacious D simply had a live song called Sax-A-Boom, which the band would tear to the delight of the audience for many years. But Black, who starred in Jimmy Fallon in 2018, played Sax-A-Boom with the in-house band The Roots, showing interest in shooting toys through the roof. According to the tenacious D wiki, who knew it existed, Black's advocacy has seen the instrument become "highly collectible and scarce.""
Now, enterprising Modder has added an instrument to the world of Monster Hunters: Iceborne. TalonGrayson's mod has a brief title, "Sax-A-Boom Hunting Horn," which, as you can see in the image, congratulates the hunter with a comical oversized version of the toy. If you are not a monster hunter player, all you need to know is that the hunting horn basically plays the melodies while breaking it into monsters
"This mod replaces the Safi'jiva hunting horn awakened with a saxophone boom with precise honks to complement your precise bonks, and you will be able to use it as a hunting horn." "It's a great opportunity for us to get to know each other," says TalonGrayson. "Honk n Bonk, fellow rock stars!
There's a saxophone boom rocking in the Monster Hunter world:
The real world saxophone boom has, sadly, been stopped for a long time. Eagle-eyed will notice the brand of "Kawasaki", but it is not made by Kawasaki Motors Corporation: the manufacturer DSI Toys holds a license to make toys under the brand and apparently decides to hit it with several instruments (Sax-A-Boom is the Kawasaki Rockers Band). (It's part of a wider musical toy line called the "Music Toy".)
Anyway, I can really say that this is a mod that Jack Black approves. And the great work of TalonGrayson already has many admirers to NexusMods. "If someone asks me why mods are so important to the game," says Elseyrdh."