Helldivers 2 may have slowed the pace of updates after a furious launch period, but that doesn't mean a hiatus on the ongoing galactic war and major orders to swarm over-armed cats to target planets. The latest installment focuses on the liberation of X-45, which is apparently home to a mysterious "interplanetary battle station," and more than half of the player base is converging on X-45 at any given time to make the automaton take a bullet buffet.
I am not claiming that my heroism has tipped the scales. However, this has become a bit odd in that the primary reward is pending. At the moment, the secondary reward is basically a commando rocket launcher, and the only thing people are talking about is the unwanted reward (anti-tank mines) that they didn't get anyway.
In other words, the "plans" for the interplanetary combat station have been saved and "work to complete this study will begin shortly." My most plausible guess is that this is related to the introduction of some kind of clan system, which would be a great addition (imagine being able to build up squad bonuses over time), but also that intergalactic doodads are about to hit the fan Suggestions.
The actual specific reward for this MO was, confusingly, revealed mid-mission (and it was leaked in a PlayStation marketing email a month ago). In the game's lore, X-45 has a leftover Advanced Weapon Lab from the First Galactic War, and a cache of MLS-4X Commando Missile Launchers was discovered during this MO. Yes, this is basically the quad rocket launcher from Arnie's masterpiece, and yes, it detonates things well.
The weapon is a replacement for the EAT-17, aka the expendable anti-tank launcher, which does patriotic heavy damage but can only fire two shots. The Commando's damage is slightly lower, but it can take four bites at the cherry, which I believe gives the Commando the edge in most situations where the Vile Titan is not the opponent. He can also mumble "I eat green berets for breakfast, but I'm very hungry right now" every time he shoots (Austrian accent optional).
Finally, the most disturbing aspect is the anti-tank mines, which have some background: in early June, Helldivers 2, a MO focused on the planets Marfark and Vernen Wells, presented players with a rather stark choice: free the anti-tank mines on the former or " Hospital for Critically Ill Children of the Super Citizen Anne" to save them. Saving the children was not rewarded with anything more than warmth in the game. However, the Helldivers decided to "screw the mines" and went to save the children. The CEO of Arrowhead was so moved by this that he donated over $4,000 to Save the Children.
On the flip side, players, encouraged by the flames of justice, opposed anti-tank mines in a big way. Part of this may be due to the existing mine stratagems, which are very difficult to use effectively against the enemy (but tend to blow up a lot of hell-divers). I rarely see them in missions, and when I do, they are unpopular. [Patriotic Helldivers have given anti-tank mines as rewards in several MOs. Simple upgrades in firepower (in this case, improved anti-personnel mines) became actively opposed for the sake of ridicule, and players became paranoid that Arrowhead would sneak mines in through the back door. The answer to that was, "Yes, of course the developer intends to eventually use the assets already created.
But they haven't yet, and if they do, the players will be half-smiling and booing loudly. That's one of the things that makes "Helldivers 2" and the unfolding story so intriguing: the Arrowhead is in control and Joel is orchestrating, but the player base has its own ideas and motivations. One of the most exciting moments so far was when I learned about the so-called "Martale gambit." Players found supply routes not shown in the game and raided to destroy them.
Anti-vehicle mines will come eventually. As Helldivernothingbutme49 says, "I can finally get back to killing bugs with a clear conscience."