Bungie Promises to Address "Uncertainty" Surrounding Destiny 2's Future Following Massive Layoffs Last Week

Bungie Promises to Address "Uncertainty" Surrounding Destiny 2's Future Following Massive Layoffs Last Week

It has not been a good few weeks for Bungie. Shortly after, it was alleged that Bungie CEO Pete Parsons had spent more than $2.4 million on vintage cars over the past two years, and shortly after that, it was revealed that hopes of avoiding layoffs by making a successful expansion, The Final Shape, were completely misplaced It came to light that it was.

Bungie is under pressure from Sony to get organized, but increasingly seems unable to do so; Parsons admitted at the time of the most recent layoffs that the studio had been overextended with various "incubation projects," resulting in a drain of funds, but The Final Shape" will be the final expansion for "Destiny 2," but "Destiny 3" is still a ways off, and the studio's next big game, the supposedly next big "Marathon," is struggling: the game has recently undergone a change in leadership, and the studio has been forced to make a decision on how to proceed with its next big game, "The Final Shape. game recently underwent a leadership change, with Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier saying on a recent Friends Per Second podcast that the current state of development is "not very good"


"There's a reason why this year's schedule has been pushed back a full year. 'People I've talked to are a little pessimistic about even meeting the currently scheduled deadline, but we'll see what happens. I don't know exactly when that is. I mean, from what I've heard, sentiment in that area is not very good. At least as of a few months ago."

Bungie's future has never looked as shaky as it does now, and the "Destiny" community is understandably depressed about the matter. It's not as if Sony is going to stop development of Destiny 2, and they won't kill the money tree they paid $3.6 billion for a few years ago, but the future of the series and the studio that makes it is now a big question mark.

In a recent post on Reddit, the Destiny 2 team acknowledged those concerns and promised to address them in the near future.

"We are aware that recent changes at Bungie have created uncertainty surrounding Destiny's future. Rest assured that we remain committed to Destiny and will continue to support the community with transparency and deliver regular updates about the game."


"We will be speaking with you soon about the future of Destiny and our plans for our journey over the next few years. Once we flag the dates, we will let you all know."

This message doesn't exactly inspire a wave of confidence; this isn't the first time Bungie has approached players with a "trust us" promise to make something better after failing in some way, and by all accounts, they've succeeded, After multiple layoffs at the supposed money-making game studio, the company's leadership, especially Bungie CEO Parsons, is facing open revolt among players.

"The only reason we are here in the first place is that the leadership has once again fumbled the bag and mismanaged things to the point that many talented developers who absolutely cooked at TFS had to be fired," redditor shieldoversword wrote He writes." I would like to see a new management plan that would hold leadership accountable and sustain all the developers that make this game great. The rest will work."

In the latest This Week in Destiny update, which resumed this week after taking last week off to deal with layoffs, Bungie said it remains "committed to supporting the community with transparency and delivering regular updates about the game." This is almost a direct reiteration of what they said in their Reddit post. "

"Recent changes within Bungie will present challenges that we must work through. With the changes within Bungie over the next few weeks, there are a few issues that may arise.

I think the bigger concern for Destiny fans right now is to hear what Bungie has to say.

