This was inevitable; the concept of Among Us is simple, featuring color-coded aliens, and the crude artwork is easy to elaborate. It is also very popular. Of course, there are many pacifiers.
A Chinese version called "Werewolf Among Us" is one of the country's top iOS downloads; VRChat's world maker created a 3D version of "Among Us" a few weeks ago. And among Steam's upcoming releases is the game pictured above: Killer Among Us 3D.
I really enjoy the flamboyance of "Killer Among Us". Not only does the title directly contain the phrase "Among Us," but it makes up for the lack of the word "Killer" in the original.
It is hard not to feel attached to that childish level of parody. Similarly, the game description for "Killer Among Us" reads as if someone copied the Wikipedia entry for "Among Us" and did their best to replace key words with synonyms, as if they were cheating on an essay assignment.
"You are on a spaceship and a module of the ship is damaged. 'All the malfunctions need to be repaired. But there is one problem. An alien organism, a "virus," has invaded the ship, infecting the people and taking control of their minds.
Of course, "Killer Among Us 3D" is not the only pacifier; a more creatively named "Impostor Inside Us" is also coming soon on Steam. Piopel's death (detected by computer) is pictured below.
In the more cooperative space, not simply trying to make a buck, "Among Us" is complemented by mods, companion apps, and odd little homages like "Among Us: Shooter Game," which promises to be "buggy." [one person says, "It's a bit of a bug-ridden game. [One person even created a free "fan game" called "Along Us But It's Single Player."
Surprisingly, I have yet to see anyone create a version called "Amongst Us," but perhaps someone somewhere has a GameMaker project of that name.