Browser-Based Visual Novel-Style Event Comes to Phantom Impact

Browser-Based Visual Novel-Style Event Comes to Phantom Impact

On November 2, miHoYo launched the "Stone Harbor Journal" event in China for its browser-only Genshin Impact. On the same day, the official Twitter account for the English-language version of Genshin Impact announced the event for players on the other side of the globe.

The Stone Harbor Journal is a text-based adventure in which players visit Liyue and complete small tasks around the pier and city to earn up to 200 Ulgestein and 50,000 Mora, which will be credited to their Genshin Impact account. Genshin's upcoming 1 .1 update, either Zhongli or Childe, a new character who will be introduced in the next update, can be dispatched to deal with the various problems they encounter on the job. Who you dispatch will affect the storyline of the event, but the rewards will remain the same: you can attempt one job per day, with up to three additional chances at a particular job. Only those who complete all jobs will receive the rewards from Ulgestein and Mora, but they will receive a small bonus for each job completed. In this event, characters are portrayed in a super deformed chibi style, and players who complete the story will see new visuals.

In China, the Stone Harbor Journal runs through November 10, so the event will probably be held in the West after the November 11 release of the update and the end of the event in China. Besides new characters, 1.1 promises several other enhancements, including quality-of-life improvements, changes to the resin system, and new weapons.
