There are many people in this world, all of whom will contract some form of disease. This fact is widely evidenced by the 2020 and international COVID-19 pandemic. So to make money, Blizzard decided to sell "face covers" of various brands in packs of three.
What a "Blizzard GearFest" it is now, and you can get all sorts of new Blizzard merchandise if you want it; a lineup of 27 new masks is part of this event, and shipping is not guaranteed until December 15.
You can get WoW Alliance face covers, WoW Horde face covers Hearthstone coverings Diablo Overwatch, and Overwatch D.Va. Starcraft Heroes of the Storm. And of course, the generic brand "Blizzard" coverings are really just logos for all the franchises, not the big blue B or whatever.
It would be fun for you, and I don't question it, in fact I congratulate you on your joy. In fact, someone in Blizzard's Merchandise department finally raised his hand and said, "After nine months, we could be making money off of this."