"The Medium," a new horror game in production at Layers of Fear studio Bloober Team, has been postponed. The game was supposed to be released on December 10, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic and certain other events that were scheduled for November but ended up taking place in December, the developer decided to postpone everything until January 28, it announced today.
"It was not an easy choice, but it was based on the situation with COVID-19 in Poland and the schedule of other games currently on the market. Bloober Team is committed to delivering the biggest, most ambitious, fear-inducing experience to date."
"The additional development time will allow us to further refine and ensure we deliver an innovative vision that pushes the interactive psycho-horror genre. Rest assured, this postponement will not prevent us from sharing information with you, and you can expect a major layer of mystery in The Medium to be unraveled soon."
While the COVID-19 issue is definitely legitimate, I have to think that the cyberpunk behemoth is the real issue here, as December has already pushed the next major updates for "Everspace 2" and "Path of Exiles" into January And the fact that the release date is literally set on the same day as "Cyberpunk 2077" is the worst thing that could happen to any game. While this wait is no doubt disappointing for horror fans, it is hard to believe that Bloober had a choice.