Spelunky 2 can be beaten in less than three minutes by a really smart person, but there is one very time-consuming encounter if you want to get off the road and access a secret area of the game. Spoiler warning.
That encounter is with the Olmec at the end of the jungle or Volcana. If you take the critical path, the big golden head is a push, but if you want to access the door at the bottom level of that lair, it can be a hassle.
That's because Olmec has to go through not one, but two layers of thick bricks to reach the first hidden door. To get to the super hidden door, Olmec must break through three layers of bricks. His throwing of bombs makes it a little faster to penetrate these barriers, but in the final phase, Olmec must land on lava to access the super secret door, which takes time to reduce his HP.
The Spelunky community has criticized this phase since its release, and the reason is simple: Spelunky 2 is a short, fast-running game. Thankfully, a major new patch released today has dramatically changed the development of the Olmec encounter.
As noted in the patch notes below, Olmec will now only throw bombs during Phase 2 (after penetrating the first layer of bricks) if the player is under him. More importantly, Olmec's floats (which must be hit to make him fall) now only hold 1 HP, making him dive into the lava more quickly. Previously, he had to hit the floatation ring several times.
This is not the only thing addressed in patch 1.15.0. There are dozens of tweaks and fixes, which can be found below or here on Steam.