It's probably not a good sign that "Ubisoft launch" has become shorthand for "wait a week or two" gamers. Some of the bugs and glitches in Watch Dogs: Legion should obviously be viewed with a sense of proportion: these are incredibly complex products, and watching bikes randomly spin in the air can be as entertaining as it is frustrating. That said, it is unclear how serious Legion's shortcomings are: there were game-breaking bugs on the Xbox, and general gaming performance on the PC has so far been very unsatisfactory.
The PC version will be updated tomorrow. It is unlikely that the current issues will be fixed, such as the frame dive every time a character looks at the Thames. Tomorrow's hotfix only mentions performance improvements for RTX cards, but nothing about CPU load, which seems to be an issue for most people.
We will report back on the serious side, but for now some of these glitches are certainly interesting. A brief acknowledgment: some of these clips are from the console version.
where the car is slowly, slowly, taking off and spinning towards the sky. Chill-out music is needed.
Currently, some citizens appear to have no skin, which is probably a next-level way to avoid facial recognition cameras.
A cereal-loving hipster has discovered that a minor subgenre of "motorcycle glitches" is emerging, such as this one.720 noscope baby! I hope they keep these glitches.
There's even a character clone glitch, where a DedSec guy convinces himself to join DedSec, a rather amusing spectacle
Finally, Watch Dogs: Legion reveals the true nature of the London Underground.