Capcom-themed pocket synthesizers are the coolest.

Capcom-themed pocket synthesizers are the coolest.

I love pocket operators. Not only do these little handheld samplers, drum machines, and synths cost less and look great with their exposed circuit boards, but they can make really fun and interesting music. Here I'm using it to remix a Final Fantasy 7 track. You won't be hearing this track on the radio anytime soon, but you will get an idea of what something like this can do. Imagine what someone with actual talent could do.

And just as I was trying to recover from this Pokemon-buying addiction, Teenage Engineering, the creator of this Pokemon, announced a new pocket operator based on Capcom's classic games. They are Street Fighter-flavored and Mega Man-flavored. Both are based on existing Pocket Operators, but with samples of each game built in and appropriate visuals on the LED screens. You can listen to the samples here.

Street Fighter's Pocket Operator is available now, but Mega Man's will have to wait until December 2. The new Pocket Operators are selling out fast, so if you want one, get it soon. These are quite popular among synthheads.
