Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, is traveling around to promote Microsoft's newest game console and talks a bit more about the company's cross-platform approach. Basically, the Xbox is moving away from the "box" as its central focus and more toward a software platform.
Spencer told Gamereactor about how the console was traditionally a closed platform before moving to Xbox Series X games and PCs.
"There are expectations from customers like the PC now, and people may have some timing things about when certain things will happen, but if we're shipping first-party games, I don't really question that it will come to the PC. first-party on the PC. If we are shipping first party games, they will be available on Steam and our own store. Just like we expect from our customers.
[...] We're happy with the games we're making and we're happy with them on PC, and if you look back five years ago, we'd say over and over again that we were focusing on PC and people would roll their eyes. But now, I think our position on Steam and Game Pass on PC shows that our long-term commitment has paid off, and PC customers, whether they like what we're doing or not, know that when we ship stuff, we're doing our best on PC as we do on Xbox They know that."
It has long been known that most of Microsoft's first-party games will eventually be published on God platforms as well, but Spencer is here to say that everything they make will be cross-platform. Lots of it. The only caveat seems to be timing, which of course allows Microsoft to claim that they still have some sort of monopoly on consoles.
This is enough to make one wonder why anyone would buy an Xbox nowadays.
"The fact that we sell games on PCs ruins one of our value propositions in that it doesn't force people to go out and buy consoles. The high-level goal within our team, the way we measure ourselves, is how many people are playing on Xbox. "Playing on Xbox" is not about Xbox consoles. We mean people who are logging in and playing on some part of our ecosystem, whether it's first party or third party, it could be an Android phone, it could be a Switch, it could be a Switch, it could be a PC, it could be a PC, it could be an Android phone, it could be a Switch, it could be a PC, it could be a PC, it could be a PC. That's how we think about it."
Phil, fine. Now if we could just talk about Ninja Gaiden Black...