"Wasteland 3" is a game with many post-apocalyptic phenomena, including swearing parrots, cyborg chickens, and goat cannons. It was also the game in which "Rocky Mountain Moosegrass" made an appearance. No big deal, you might say, but it was a big deal to the Australian Classification Board, which initially banned the game because of its presence.
As Kotaku reported, the Australian Classification Board's annual report revealed why "Wasteland 3" was denied classification and subsequently given an R18+ rating in February. The reason is that smoking "Rocky Mountain Moosegrass" in early builds provides a temporary skill buff. Specifically, it increases your strike rate by 2% for 350 seconds. And of course, the item's description was accompanied by a marijuana joke.
According to the ACB report, Rocky Mountain Moosegrass, by virtue of Game 1(a) clause, "generally accepts sex, drug abuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence, or repugnant or abhorrent phenomena to the extent that they should not be classified, reasonable adults It was not permitted because it prohibits games that "depict, represent, or otherwise treat in a manner that is contrary to standards of morality, decency, or decorum.
That is why the game was initially banned in Australia and why you cannot go anywhere in the world and smoke Rocky Mountain Moosegrass. It is wildly overbroad to treat the classification of video games under the same umbrella as movies, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with smoking marijuana in a movie.