The action RPG "Mortal Shell" has received a new free update, "Rotting Autumn," which adds a number of new looks for the game's titular Shell, new quests, an extensive photo mode, and a Greek death metal band called Rotting Christ" has added a set of alternate soundtracks for the bosses. The new soundtracks are optional, but those who have already played the game will enjoy the new ones along with the various and artistically remade shells. I'm a big fan of the skinless look, especially:
The toad gofer in the background. The Rotting Autumn update has a new quest that revolves around Goff. I love that guy.
The rotting corpse simulator "Mortal Shell" was released earlier this year to great acclaim because it is beautifully rendered in its own right and resembles the much-loved "Dark Souls" franchise. This visual is probably why the company put so much effort into adding a photo mode. Immediately after its release, the game received a lot of positive feedback, with Tom Sr. calling it "a fresh example of a game that does several things very well."
You can play and read about Mortal Shell's Rotten Autumn soon in developer Cold Symmetry's update post Mortal Shell is available on the Epic Games Store for $30, $24 through November 5. and will be available on Steam in 2021.