Over the past few years, Fortnite has somehow bloated to the point of taking up over 90GB of hard drive space. Thankfully, today's update for this oversized battle royale takes an axe to that number, reducing the game's footprint by more than two-thirds.
Fortnite's version 14.40 update arrived this morning, and it was a big one, at 27 GB. However, according to Epic's description, the patch seems to have done some long overdue tidying up, drastically reducing Fortnite's install size by thoroughly optimizing the game's file structure.
I also recently uninstalled Fortnite to free up disk space. I just checked the launcher again, and it does indeed appear that the game now requires "only" 26.3 GB to download and about 31.5 GB total installed space. The update will also improve loading times, which should make future updates less burdensome.
Fortnite wasn't always that huge; back in 2018, Epic's new-look battle royale occupied only 18GB of drive space. But with years of drastic map updates, countless new costumes, gliders, and various cosmetics, the game's footprint seemed to have ballooned to a size that was ludicrous to say the least, given that the game's murder island was one.
Regardless, it's welcome news for users with limited disk space and download speeds; is it about time "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare" got the hint?