Look closer and you'll see:
This gooey wheel is part of a big set of Ghostbusters merchandise you can get at the Rocket League Halloween event starting this week, October 20. Completing the event challenge will unlock the Stay Puft Wheel, as well as Stay Puft and Slimer toppers, ectoplasm and slime boosters, player banners, avatar borders, and several other items.
The Rocket League in-game store will also feature Ghostbusters items that cost real money, such as the Ecto 1 car body and the Stay Puft goal explosion if you want to complete the marshmallow set. The items available for acquisition and purchase can be found here and in the trailer below: [This is not the first time Rocket League and Ghostbusters have met. Ecto #1 and other items were distributed as Steam DLC at last year's Radical Summer event. (Neither that pack nor the licensed DLC is available on Steam anymore.)
Frankly, I prefer my seasonal events to be themed around the season itself, not the brand. I'd rather they offer something spooky that isn't trademarked: ghouls, goblins, and regular ghosts than the ghosts Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray have arrested. Are we stuck with a multimedia franchise created by people made famous by Saturday Night Live?
Perhaps not, but Haunted Hallows events include more than just Ghostbusters. Some items from past events are available, and playing them earns the seasonal currency "Golden Pumpkin," which can be used to unlock items from the Turbo, Nitro, and Vindicator series. The Haunted Hallows also brings back the heat seeker mode (but spooky), and the night map offers a spike rush.
Despite all the protests, you might get the Stay Puft wheel. I fell into Diamond the other day at Snow Day, so I'm clearly losing focus. Maybe those disturbing eyes will wake me up.