The first area of Spelunky 2 has been patched to make it easier

The first area of Spelunky 2 has been patched to make it easier

Patch Applied to Spelunky 2's Early Levels "Dwelling" The first levels of Spelunky, 1-1 through 1-4, are called Dwelling, and this week's patch addresses a common complaint among players by changing monster spawns, It has been tweaked to be a little different. The patch follows an announcement earlier in the week that developer Mossmouth is considering such a change in response to player complaints that Area 1 is more difficult than Area 2.

The notes for update 1.12.1e have some great info: "Adjusted spawn chances for Dwelling monsters" and "Added room variations to the last Dwelling level." Works for me! Players report that the number of moles in the Cave of Hatred is lower than before.

Cave moles are a very brutal enemy, and when we spoke to the game's top players earlier this week, Spelunky's top streamer, Aaron James "Banasaurus Rex" Roeder, said, "I've never seen anyone who didn't hate moles." Their thoughts on Spelunky 2 can be read in the full interview.

This is good news for people like me who are not big fans of platformers.

These changes are among various fixes to items like ankhs during cooperative play and a bunch of other things like crashes. This crash, for example, ranks pretty high on the best patch notes for 2020: "Fixed crash when cavemen equip jetpacks and cloaks.
