We have seen Doom running in printers, smart watches, digital cameras, and even ATMs. While these feats are impressive, the unlikely hardware running Doom in these cases all get their electricity from conventional power sources.
Anyone who has taken an elementary school science class knows that electricity can be generated from potatoes. If you put zinc and copper in a potato, the acid and salts in the potato act as a chemical battery. If you put enough potatoes in a row, you can make electricity with potatoes.
But how many potatoes does it take to generate enough power to run Doom, YouTuber Equalo decided to find out after many long days and nights in a garage full of potatoes.
Equalo set out to run Doom on a Raspberry Pi Zero and calculated that he would need about 770 slices of potatoes to generate the required 100-120 mAh and 5 volts. He took 100 pounds of potatoes home, boiled them (which increases amperage), sliced them, and wired them up. Then he plugged in his Raspberry Pi.
And... It didn't work. Despite drawing roughly enough amperage from the sliced potato, the little computer wouldn't start. But Equalo did not give up.
Unfortunately, after a few more days of tinkering, the cooked potatoes began to produce more than electricity. They began to grow mold. The stench became so stifling that Equaro was finally forced to give up on the Raspberry Pi and decided to try powering his TI-84 graphing calculator instead. He removed the battery and plugged in a large, stinking, rotten potato battery.
Finally, he succeeded! After six days of labor and a garage full of stinking potatoes, Doom was now running 100% on potato power. Although he was pleased with his experiment, Equaro discovered one unfortunate side effect.
"So now I hate potatoes," he says in the video. 'I live in Idaho. I live in Idaho."