Navigating a new city can be an absolute nightmare. Fortunately, with Cyberpunk 2077, you won't get lost with this paper map depicting the sprawling city of Night City.
As ResetEra discovered, a few physical goodies from the packaged version of Cyberpunk 2077 appeared online this weekend. The photos look a bit tired, but the map gives us the first decent full view of Night City.
At first glance, Cyberpunk looks a bit cramped compared to Geralt's continent-spanning hunting grounds, which is to be expected given that CD Projekt Red claims Cyberpunk 2077 is "slightly shorter" than The Witcher 3.
Also, cyberpunk's sprawling cities should be denser than Novigrad, and have a verticality that the fantasy huts of The Witcher 3 lack. Fortunately, the wilderness offers a surprisingly vast amount of space, so if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, that's the place to go.
The leaked images also include postcards depicting life in Night City. The release will also include a reversible cover, stickers, and a setting compendium.
Cyberpunk 2077 will launch on Steam and GOG on November 19; CD Projekt Red came under fire last week when it was revealed that the studio was scrambling to meet that date.