The board game Hero's Quest, co-published by Milton Bradley and Games Workshop in 1989, has been out of print for years. This is ironic, because Sierra had to change the game name "Hero's Quest" to "Quest for Glory" when the digital version of this board game was trademarked in 1991. In any case, Moon Design transferred the trademark to Hasbro, the owner of Milton Bradley, and Hasbro is currently crowdfunding a new version of the board game for release in North America.
Hasbro is seeking US$1 million through its in-house crowdfunding system HasLab, which is used to gauge interest in expensive toys for adults, such as the child-sized Transformers HeroQuest has already raised US$865,000 HeroQuest has already raised over US$865,000 and has 44 days to go.
This version of HeroQuest was made without the cooperation of Games Workshop, so references to Warhammer World and its monsters have been removed. The rules and board appear to be largely unchanged, but the art and miniatures have been updated. The miniatures are more warcraft-like, and the detailed miniatures, while attractive, seem to be much more difficult to paint than the beginner-level originals.
A game with such an appealing introductory quality as "My First Dungeon Crawl" for children has, like many crowdfunded board games, been re-packaged as another boutique box filled with expensive plastic for nostalgic adults. It's hard not to see the irony in the fact that it is being packaged.
On the other hand, if you search for HeroQuest on the Steam Workshop's Tabletop Simulator, you'll find this.