While we've been waiting with our fingers crossed for two weeks for the PC version of Spelunky 2, PS4 players have been busy playing, finding secrets, and fighting bosses old and new. Damn.
They're also speed-running the hell out of Spelunky 2. Yesterday, the Any% world record was about 6 minutes. Today, it was cut in half by speedrunner d_tea, despite a somewhat rocky start.
The ridiculous run is embedded below, but spoiler alert if you are waiting for the PC version to be released or don't want to know the boss or how the game ends.
It doesn't look promising at first. On level 1-1 d_tea steals a shotgun and a cape from a store, but loses two hearts while running from an angry shopkeeper; on 1-2 she collides with a caveman and d_tea is down to one heart. However, d_tea gets a teleporter at the next store and sets off for the races.
Using Spelunky's handheld teleporter is risky: it could reappear four tiles away, eight tiles away, or six tiles away. Teleportation is a big gamble in a game where the slightest mistake can end things immediately.
But with good skill and luck, it's great for speedruns, as d_tea can blink through the floor and you don't have to wait for a giant boss to bust through an entire level of stone. 2:35 in, he blows away an enemy blocking an exit on level 4-2 with a great There's also a teleflag.
A few well-thrown bombs on the final boss on 6-4 opens the exit, and that's it: just two days after Spelunky 2 appeared, it's already been beaten in under four minutes. It's hard to imagine any faster, but I have a feeling that Spelunky 2's speedrunners won't stop trying.