Crysis Remastered will be released this Friday. With support for software ray tracing and hardware acceleration, the original game from 2007 has been re-skinned to take advantage of modern hardware and run on the latest high-resolution screens (up to 8K displays). We sat down with Steffen Halbig, Crysis Remastered's project lead, to find out what this new take on the game brings and what's happening under the hood.
The interview brought up a number of interesting things, including why software ray tracing is still important, how things have changed in the last 13 years, and whether ray tracing is really the future of gaming, but what jumped out the most was the new "Can you move Crysis?" mode was about.
Crysis Remastered has the usual configuration options to improve performance for specific setups, but for those who want to push their machines to their absolute limits, a meme from the original game's release called "Can it run Crysis" mode, the ultimate setting is provided for those who want to push their machine to its absolute limits.
If memory serves, Crysis was hardware-hard and even the top graphics card of the day, the GeForce 8800 Ultra, struggled to maintain a smooth 30 fps.
So what can Crysis Remastered mode do? "Crytek recently showed off its potential on its Twitter account with a single screen boasting incredibly clean visuals. "This means unlimited viewing distance," Steffen said. . No more assets popping up, no more LoD changes.
When asked about the performance one can expect when using this mode, Steffen replied, 'At 4K, there is no card that can run in "Can it Run Crysis mode" at 30FPS.'
But where did that mode name come from?" originally a bit of a joke, Steffan explained, it stuck. "We came up with the meme 'Can it run Crysis,' and people laughed at it in meetings. Over the next few days, everyone bought into the idea and we implemented a 'Can it run Crysis' mode."
Whether Crysis Remastered will run on my machine will be known tomorrow when the game hits the Epic store.