Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary is an expansion to Borderlands 2, released in June 2019 to build up to the release of Borderlands 3. The level cap has been raised to 80, the option to start a new character at level 30 and skip the tutorial has been added (Hallelujah), a new tier of weapons has been added, and you can shoot a slightly different kind of bad guys while spending time with your favorite characters again, mainly Now you can.
It was free for the first month on Steam, but it's free again on the Epic Games Store, because it's one of the DLCs not bundled with the Borderlands Handsome Collection, which was given away for free in May; add it to your account before October 2.
Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary is a pretty good DLC, and it's hard to argue with the price, but it's not one of the five essential Borderlands DLC expansions that you should definitely play.