Iron Harvest" sales at Epic Games Store delayed; pre-orders now being refunded

Iron Harvest" sales at Epic Games Store delayed; pre-orders now being refunded

Iron Harvest, an alt-history RTS featuring steam-driven battle mechs, is available on Steam today, and as we noted in our 82/100 review, while the massive mechs can slow things down, they are nonetheless an "epic and unwavering" added to it.

However, while the Steam release seems to be business as usual, something strange and as yet unexplained is happening with the planned Epic Games Store release:

Although the relevance is unclear, the reaction to the game on Steam has been "mixed." User reviews seem to be generally positive about the game's mechanics, but criticisms of missing features such as co-op support, leaderboards, ranked and quick play, and even basic things like Steam achievements and controller support are Quite a lot of them, all of which are promised on the store page, but are still listed as "coming soon" in the game.

There are also numerous threads on Steam discussion groups complaining about the state of the game. One developer links to a devblog entry for Iron Harvest, which promises continued development, including the addition of more multiplayer maps and game modes. However, other posts indicate that some features are still a ways off: controller support, for example, is still in progress, and Steam achievements "may be coming," but "not in the immediate future." The developer also stated that the text in the game indicating that it is still in beta testing is incorrect and will be removed in the next patch.

Whatever the reason for the delay, Iron Harvest is currently listed as "coming soon" on EGS; we have contacted Deep Silver and developer King Art Games and will update if we hear back.
