Monty Python's Black Knight duel simulator Chivalry 2, originally scheduled for release this year, has been delayed until 2021, according to a recent development update from Torn Banner Studios, "In the world of COVID-19 new ways Now that we have settled on working together, we are shifting our development schedule to take advantage of this additional time to better achieve our core goals for Chivalry 2."
While we will be cutting off each other's limbs later than expected, the released "Chivalry 2" will include "several quality-of-life improvements and some content that is essentially post-launch."
"This means that more maps and game features will be playable at launch than originally envisioned. However, horses will appear in Chivalry 2 after launch. They just need a little more time in the training stables.
"Chivalry 2" is currently in alpha, and anyone in Europe or North America can sign up and participate. The beta was supposed to be in the summer, but it looks like that will be delayed as well.
Our own Tyler Wilde enjoyed a brief time in the alpha earlier this year, but "what excited me was the feeling that people could become great at wielding a sword.