Eve's Spectrum monitor is designed for gaming and is currently a prototype

Eve's Spectrum monitor is designed for gaming and is currently a prototype
[This monitor has been molded by the wishes and whims of the gamers from the beginning as part of a crowdsourcing campaign. These monitors have been molded by the wishes and whims of gamers from the outset as part of a crowdsourcing campaign.

According to Eve, these are the first functional prototypes of the upcoming monitors. In other words, Eve and her assembly partners are assembling a few units to make sure everything fits and functions properly.

And so far, things seem to be going well.

"Notice how little light blurring there is on the spectrum in the black screen photos! We are pleased that the project is progressing on schedule, and after building these units during extensive testing, we have not found anything that would require any changes. The only visible adjustment on these units is that we have increased the width of the 'port box' for better cooling with such a high performance HDMI 2.1 scalar," said Konstantinos Karatsevidis, Eve's CEO. [HDMI 2.1 connectivity is one of the Spectrum's standout features. This HDMI 2.1 will be included in upcoming PC graphics cards and next-generation game consoles. This will enable faster refresh rates at higher resolutions (due to the additional bandwidth) and provide several other benefits, including adaptive sync on next-generation cards via HDMI.

Eve has stated that they will continue to test these prototypes over the next few weeks and expect to receive more advanced units based on their results and feedback.

"This will take time, but the most important task at hand is to ensure that any shortcomings are improved and any bugs are found," the company says.

This basically means making sure all ports and connections work as expected, fleshing out the monitor's firmware and on-screen display (OSD) controls, getting various bits (HDMI, HDR, etc.) certified, looking for light leaks and other defects, and generally making sure the end product is worth the wait. Or so we hope.
