Games Workshop has never been known to be stingy when it comes to licensing to video games. That makes them a good fit for Humble bundles like the Humble Warhammer Bundle 2020, which launched today.
For a $1 purchase, you can get Warhammer 40K: Kill Team, Warhammer 40: Dawn of War, Warhammer 40K: Legacy of Dorn - Herald of Oblivion, and for something a little different, Warhammer End Times - Vermintide". Above average prices also get Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War 2, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, Warhammer 40K: Sanctus Reach, and Warhammer 40K: Deathwatch Enhanced Edition. Also for $15 are Warhammer 40: Space Marine Collection, Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War 3, and another change of direction, Blood Bowl 2 Legendary Edition. Yes, Blood Bowl is also a Warhammer game.
Another consequence of the vast number of Warhammer video games out there is that some are really not very good, but others, including at least the ones in this bundle, are great. The "Dawn of War" RTS game is great (although the "Dawn of War 3" campaign was a bit of a letdown compared to its predecessor), "Battlefleet Gothic" is great: Armada is gorgeous and charming, and Vermintide is a brilliant co-op shooter. So, while very heavy-handed, it is also a really interesting mix of very good games.
The Humble Warhammer Bundle 2020 is available until July 28. Also, if you purchase it at the top tier, you get one month free when you sign up for a new Humble Choice subscription service.