Conan Exiles, a survival game with sliders, is free to play on Steam for three days. If you like it, you'll also get a 50 percent discount, and all of your progress in the demo version will carry over to the purchased version.
Want to play Conan Exiles? I liked it a lot, and there's some don't-miss stuff. Phil wrote in his 2018 review that it was a "fun, meaty survival game," but the game has grown considerably since then. For example, mounts are now available, which is a great development considering the size of the world. There are also some pets that have impressed Chris.
All of the DLC for this game is discounted, 25-30% off; try it out on Steam, and you'll be surprised at how much you can save. If you're interested in getting other free games as well, check out this list. Also, GTA 5 is currently free on the Epic Games Store.