Team Fight Tactics" Next Update Transforms Everyone into Cyborg and Sailor Moon

Team Fight Tactics" Next Update Transforms Everyone into Cyborg and Sailor Moon

The next update to Teamfight Tactics promises to completely overturn the meta with an all-new character origin and fun new rules. The update is called "Galaxies" and will be released in mid-March along with the mobile version of TFT. When released, TFT's champions will be transformed into far-future versions, adopting entirely new abilities and synergies based on their new origins, such as Star Guardians, Cybernetics, and Mecha Pilots.

"Galaxies" was officially announced last week, but Riot Games released a new blog post today that further explains how these new origins will work and provides some examples of potential team-ups that players can look for. Like Rise of the Elements before it, Galaxies is like a blank slate for TFT. Certain characters may be familiar, but they may have entirely new abilities and their contributions to the team as a whole may change.

Star Guardians, for example. Based on one of my favorite League of Legends skin sets, Star Guardians have a trait that restores mana to all other Star Guardians whenever one of them casts a spell; as Riot explains, a mage who uses mana to deal massive damage so naturally it works well with Sorcerer (one of the reviving Origin archetypes).

Another new origin is Cybernetic, which now includes characters like Yasuo and Leona. Whenever a cybernetic champion is equipped with an item, he or she gains bonus health and attack damage, depending on how many cybernetic characters are on the team. Finally, there's the Mech Pilot, which, when all three are present, combines to become a super mech until it dies, hence the coolest name of all. I have yet to see that ability in action, but it sounds wild.

As cool as the new origin is, I'm equally interested in Galaxies' new "set mechanic" play. Each time you jump into a match, you are transported to a different galaxy with slightly different rules and strategies. For example, in one Galaxie, you are given two items that you can trade to create a specific champion that will help your team. Since everyone has the same items, it is a gamble as to when and how they will be used. In another galaxy, the champion store is stocked from the start with powerful 4-cost champions, tempting you to spend large amounts of gold to gain an early advantage or to save your gold for a late-game upset.

All in all, it looks like a pretty great update. I haven't played much TFT since the initial wave of excitement in December, but Galaxies feels like the right time to jump back in and check it out; Riot hasn't set a specific date yet, but Galaxies, along with the mobile version of TFT, is scheduled for a mid-March release.
