EVE Online" Shooter Cancelled, Development of New "EVE Online" Shooter Begins

EVE Online" Shooter Cancelled, Development of New "EVE Online" Shooter Begins

According to CCP Games, Project Nova, which was in development as a spin-off FPS from EVE Online, has officially come to an end. The news was originally announced at a Pearl Abyss (CCP Games' parent company) earnings call over the weekend, but developers have since confirmed the news on several forums, detailing what is happening.

For those who have been following Project Nova, this news should come as no surprise. Originally announced over four years ago, Project Nova was CCP Games' second attempt to create an FPS set in the EVE Online universe, but like their first FPS, Dust 514, it had nothing to do with an MMO. However, CCP clearly struggled to come up with exciting ideas, and after a disappointing hands-on session in October 2018, Project Nova was put on hold indefinitely.

Given Project Nova's permanent postponement, this weekend's announcement feels more like a formality than anything else. Surprisingly, however, CCP Games has not yet given up on making an EVE Online-based FPS. The London-based development team is going to try again under a different codename, and the scope is likely to be much more ambitious than the previous Project Nova. [George Kerrion, head of public relations for CCP Games, said on Reddit, "We are continuing to develop the concept of a sci-fi multiplayer shooter, aggressively evolving it beyond the original scope of the previous codename "Project Nova." The concept's development efforts are now the full focus of CCP's London studio." Iceland-based Project Nova team members have moved on to other projects in the Reykjavik studio.

Kelion explained that the decision was motivated by both the poor reception of Project Nova's 2018 hands-on reveal and the much larger scope of new ideas for the EVE Online FPS. It's common for games in development to evolve, often significantly, over time," Kelion said. However, the scope and direction of the sci-fi multiplayer shooter concept has changed so much that we decided to update how we call this project internally." As such, we will no longer use the codename Project Nova for this game concept.

But don't expect news about this new project anytime soon; Kelion also said that CCP Games will refrain from revealing the project too early in the future." We would rather show you how we have evolved this concept than talk about it, and when the time comes to present this concept as a full-fledged game, we will do so."

Thanks, MassivelyOP.
