A dramatic new trailer for "Destiny 2: Season of the Hunt" released today depicts the arrival of Xivu Arath and puts words to the question on everyone's mind: "What if we are not the only ones whom the darkness speaks to?
"Darkness," of course, is the counterpart to "light," introduced into Destiny 2 in the very recent Beyond Light expansion. And it somehow seems to have caught the attention of Shiv Alas, the hive god of war, and is moving to strengthen her power.
Osiris has been crunching all these numbers underwater and has (again) asked for your help. But you are not alone in confronting this threat. A mysterious guardian who calls himself the Raven is there to back you up. However, this crow is actually Uldren Sov, the villain who brought Cayde-6 to the ground in the Forsaken expansion. He appears to have amnesia, which raises interesting ethical questions about responsible behavior and retribution.
On the gameplay side, Season of the Hunt will feature a system-wide hive shrine. Several new exotic weapons will be added to this season, including a revived Hawkmoon hand cannon and a shotgun called Duality. The same goes for a new season artifact called the Fang of Xivu Arath, and of course a brand new season pass with free and paid reward tracks.
Destiny 2: Season of the Hunt kicks off on November 17. More information can be found on bungie.net, and the Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt calendars can be found below.