Planescape: Ranked 11th on the latest list of the Top 100 PC Games, the classic RPG "Torment" is well known for its sheer number of characters. Its script runs to 950,000 words. This is probably why only the manual was translated when the game was released in Japan.
More recently, official localizations in French, German, Korean, Polish, and Czech have become available in enhanced editions (though the latter two have no translated audio, only text). Japanese players were left out of luck, unless, of course, they could read English. Until one volunteer, a member of the TRANAZ translation circle, spent 3,000 hours translating word for word the philosophical drivel, descriptions of the structure of the multiverse, and floating skulls flirting with zombies. They even programmed their own font tool, which ultimately resulted in scratchy menu text that actually looks prettier than a smooth English font.
When TRANAZ contacted the Torment developers about distributing the language packs, they told us that it was fine to share them with other players, but only if we distributed them for free with the understanding that the rights to the text would remain with the copyright holders. And so, 21 years after the original release, players were able to download PST_JPMOD and finally experience Planescape in Japanese: Torment in Japanese.
(Thanks to Patrick Alexander on Twitter for discovering this)