World of Warcraft cash stores are a source of controversy for World of Warcraft players. The cash store sells very expensive mounts (averaging about $25 each) and equally expensive account services. If you "want to join your buddies on another server," it costs an additional $25 on top of the basic game and monthly subscription fees. But that doesn't stop people from making fun of its latest addition, a very colorful fairy costume with multicolored wings.
Called Sprite Darter's Wings, this eight-piece costume set costs $20 but is free if you buy a six-month subscription (or if you currently have one) Blizzard is selling the armor set in its cash store. This is the first time they've done so, but I'm not sure which players dislike more: the costumes themselves or the fact that they have to spend money to get them.
Since its release yesterday, the Sprite Darter's Wings trailer has been downvoted 17,000 times on YouTube.
Naturally, players are a bit miffed that Blizzard is selling this costume instead of integrating it into the game as something players can earn. Some of the most popular memes I have seen target Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision Blizzard.
Players are used to many of the cash store mounts looking exceptionally beautiful, but several have also noted how frustrating it is that most of the regular armor sets lack special openings for characters with ears or horns (which are almost half of WoW's races).
While many of the top posts on the WoW subreddit ridicule the costume, not everyone hates it; from news articles on the WoW website and forums, I have seen quite a few comments from people who are very excited about the magical fairy-like attire. But it is quite funny that something so innocuous is causing such a stir in the community.