Announced at Gamescom 2020, Transient, an adventure game from Stormling Studios and Iceberg Interactive, combines Lovecraftian horror with a touch of cyberpunk. Transient takes place in a closed, domed city called Providence, the last place on post-apocalyptic Earth where humanity can survive. The player is the hacker Randolph Carter, who, in his pursuit of a perplexing mystery, stumbles upon a "terrible truth," as is customary for cosmic horror protagonists.
Classic Randolph.
The fusion of cyberpunk and cosmic horror is nothing new, but generally quite entertaining. The themes of losing one's sanity within a larger system and the experience of a more-than-human consciousness causing revolting despair are themes found in both genres; Transient is a first-person horror adventure game that seems to focus more on puzzle solving, puzzles, and hacking.
If the name Randolph Carter sounds familiar, that's because it's a direct reference to H.P. Lovecraft's stories. An occultist and retired military veteran by the name of Randolph Carter appears in several of Lovecraft's short stories. Carter is the character who ultimately travels to the dreamland deep within the human mind, a brilliant metaphor for cyberspace, don't you think? Plug in and explore other dimensions," the game's description reads.
Iceberg Interactive previously published the cosmic horror games "Conarium" and "The Darkness Within" from Zoetrope Interactive, which is also this studio: the three-person team at Zoetrope Interactive is now known as Stormling Studios; Transient is scheduled for release on Steam in October.
Also, the soundtrack is quite chill: [11